The mission of The Lovegrove Foundation for the Development of Creative and Innovative Design (TLF) is to cultivate a new kind of design-thinking while functioning as a museum archive, preserving and hosting a permanent collection of historical pieces from Ross Lovegrove’s career and, beyond that, with temporary exhibitions about the future of creativity.
Lovegrove plans to use the space as a laboratory for exploring progressive design - including circular design, parametric design, technological design, architectural design, space design and additive manufacturing systems - through collaboration with practitioners and renowned studios in the realms of science, technology, art, architecture and education.
Visitors at the TLF will be introduced to the world of Organic Design, a series of principles in the creative and manufacturing process with focus on de-materialism, biomorphism and biomimicry. Through Organic Design, the audience will gather a deeper understanding of the use of innovativedesign and digital technology within the society of the future as well as get inspired about avant-garde solutions to immediate and complex problems relating to climate change, human futurehabitats and overpopulation.